You see the religious leaders were not happy with Jesus, because Jesus was hanging out with Matthew (the tax collector) and his dinner guests which included more tax collectors and other disreputable sinners. Matter of fact the religious leaders called them scum! Really!? I thought religious leaders were not supposed to call people names or label and judge individuals. I thought religious leaders would be leading the charge in reaching out to those who need help, love, and the grace of God?
In Matthew 9:12 it says, When Jesus heard this, he said, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor-sick people do.”
Jesus was teaching AND showing us that we must share the Good News with the poor, immoral, lonely, and outcast, not just the rich, moral, popular, and powerful.
This past Sunday afternoon 18 of our church family spent time learning how to share our faith better than before. We then went in six groups to the Elm Street apartments to invite people to our Backyard Bash and also pray with those we met. Our hopes were to invite, pray, and hopefully share God’s love.
The following morning close to 30 of our children gathered for a one day Power Camp (VBS). During that morning our kids learned the Gospel truth and was taught how to share it!
That night we held our Backyard Bash, an outdoor cookout, at the new True North building on Elm Street. The forecast was not good, the clouds gathered…and we prayed for no rain. It sprinkled for a little bit…and amazingly it poured everywhere else!
Our new neighbors around Elm Street walked over for an amazing meal of grilled chicken, burgers, and hot dogs! Plates were filled up with cookies, desserts, and more. Tables were set up inside and outside and at one point in time, all tables were full!
The children played games, blew bubbles, and jumped in a bouncy house! Laughter, joy, and love was visible!
We briefly pulled everyone together so that we could share a few words about who we were and our love for God. A few food baskets were given away, as well as all the leftover food!
I drove home that night with an incredible sense of joy. Why? I witnessed our church showing God’s love. I witnessed the meaning of “Be the Church.” I witnessed our church family loving God, by loving others.
I also grasped a deeper meaning of Matthew 9:12. I believe that if Jesus were to show up in Wauseon, as much as He may want to come to the office or church, or meet with some of us at a restaurant…I believe we would first find Jesus in a place like the backyard of our building. Laughing, loving, and eating with people who want peace, love, and forgiveness.
Thank you everyone…for being there. If you couldn’t be there, but you provided cookies or other food – thank you. If you couldn’t be there but you prayed or helped out in another way – thank you. If you couldn’t be there due to work or another obligation…that’s okay. Join us next time!
Let’s remember why Jesus came, to seek and save those who are lost. He didn’t come to hang out with us who are spiritually healthy, but to reach those who are not.
Looking forward to seeing you all Sunday,
Pastor Rex