God Means What He Says!
How many times do you think God has tried to get our attention, and we just give him a silly look and drive on by only to end up in a place we don’t want to be? Too often, right? We have all had our moments when we’ve ignored the signs, misunderstood the warnings, or have selfishly chosen to speed on down the road of life into harm’s way.
This past week the Supreme Court made a decision that will directly affect every single Christian, church, and Christian organization. They made a decision to basically drive by the warnings that God has posted, not fully understanding His Words revealed to all. Laws were changed to make a select few happy.
Some of you know I used to coach, but I decided to take a year off this past Spring. As a coach, I expect the rules to be set in stone. I understand boundaries. To compete and play without rules equals chaos and harm. There must be clear cut rules and explanations. When another team doesn’t follow the rules or an umpire doesn’t enforce the rules, I get frustrated. Matter of fact I have a friend that righteously gets angry. I don’t blame him. There is a reason for the rule! What we realize is that today, the rules are changing. I don’t know if you noticed but in sports sometimes the rules of the game evolves to benefit a player, or the fans. At the expense of being more entertained, the rules get changed.
God’s rules do not change, or evolve. People may want to be politically correct, or non-offensive, or…but we are not called to change God’s rules to make people feel better about themselves. God’s rules, like His character, do not change. (Numbers 23:19)
I plan to dig into this subject in the month of July, sharing scripture references and exposing the dangers of confusing times in America. Until then, come this Sunday to hear the exciting conclusion to the book of Esther! Fireworks in Susa!
I look forward to seeing you all OUTSIDE this coming Sunday at Homecoming Park Pavilion at 10:00am. Just a reminder, no child-care and remember to bring a chair if you want to sit on something comfortable.
I hope and pray that you have a blessed week! God bless you as you faithfully and prayerfully serve Him.
Pastor Rex
Leading… and Following!
Suddenly he spotted a set of taillights ahead of him and decided he’d simply follow them. They seemed to be going in the right direction, and it was a big comfort to know there was another person on the same journey.
Well, he followed those taillights for what seemed like miles, until they suddenly stopped in the middle of the road. The man sat there, his windshield wipers pushing water aside furiously, wondering if the car had encountered a problem or hit an animal. Then, instead of moving again, the car’s taillights disappeared.
Frustrated, the man began cursing to himself about the idiot in front of him who obviously didn’t care about those behind. About that time, someone knocked on the man’s car window.
He rolled the window down in the pouring rain to encounter a woman.
“What’s your problem?” the man asked.
“I was going to ask you the same thing,” she said.
“Well, I’m not the idiot who stopped in the middle of the road and turned off her lights,” the man snapped back.
“No,” the woman replied, “but you are the idiot who’s parked in my driveway.”
I thought that story was very humorous…and contained a great life lesson! What lesson is that? It’s the lesson of leading and following. Sometimes in order to be a great leader, you must be even a greater follower. Choosing the right person to follow, to mentor, and direct you life is of great value. If you choose to follow the wrong leader, you may end up in a place you didn’t want to be.
As a Pastor, Director, Coach, and father, I know that everything I do will be judged and held to high standards. As I lead, I MUST lead in a way that honors God, because I know there are others who depend on me doing the right thing and going the right direction. Therefore, who I follow matters!
We can also learn from this story that no one likes to journey alone in life. I’ll admit on a foggy morning or heavy rain I like seeing those taillights in front of me. Together we will hopefully end up at our destination safely.
This Father’s Day is going to be different for me…some of you have already traveled this stage of your journey. It’s going to be new for my brothers, sister, and me. Our mentor, my Dad is no longer in front of me leading the way. There have been days when I’ve wanted to call Dad and ask for his advice, or at least listen to me yak. He is not here anymore. So what do I do?
I read an old African proverb that says, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” Well, my Dad isn’t hear and I’m tempted to go alone and get things done quickly. I’m learning that my Heavenly Father is asking me to slow down and allow Him to lead me, guide me, and journey with Him.
I’m thankful for other godly men in my life who are willing to listen, pray for me, and give me godly advice when needed. Just had coffee with one of those men this week…
I pray that you will do as I’m trying to do – seek God first as my Heavenly Father who loves me, journeys with me, and directs me in a way that honors Him. After all, I have three young men who may be following my taillights!
I hope and pray that you have a blessed week! God bless you as you faithfully and prayerfully serve Him.
Pastor Rex
Encouraging One Another
I recently read a post by Jon Gordon called “Brown Bags and White Boards.” For years Jon Gordon has been trying to encourage his children with the help of lunch bags and white message boards.
Here is what he said; “When I first started doing this I wasn’t sure if they were even reading them. Like most teenagers, they don’t always want to hear Dad’s advice, regardless of what I do for a living. They’ll often say, “I know Dad. I know,” which really means please stop talking. : ) But I knew I was on to something when my daughter asked me if I was going to write another message before traveling to a speaking engagement. Four years later I’m still writing on white boards and finding creative ways to communicate positive messages to my children.“
He went on to say, “For good or for bad we are all sharing and reinforcing beliefs and messages that become part of how our children think and what they believe. Each day we are giving them the curse of pessimism, cynicism, and negativity or the gift of encouragement, optimism, and belief. The words we share and the mindset they develop create the pathway to their future accomplishments, victories and triumphs.”
How are you doing with encouraging one another? How are we doing with helping others grow in their faith, when life is challenging? It’s important that we find creative ways to share positive messages, encouragement, and God’s Word with one another. You may not write on a white board or brown bag but you can choose a creative way to share a positive message that makes a difference.
I hope and pray that you have a blessed week! God bless you as you faithfully and prayerfully serve Him.
Pastor Rex
Great Leaders…Work Together
This series is a look at how men and women can learn to lead, serve, and live in a way that honors God. It’s no surprise to see people changing their gender identity believing that they were miscreated or wrongly fashioned. God created us man and woman, with purpose and reason. So each week we will look into the book of Esther and discover how God created men and women to lead where they are, regardless of one’s gender, title, race, or social and economical position.
Last Sunday we began studying Esther chapter one. There are hopefully a few things we all learned, but I’d like to remind you of just one nugget of truth. God gives us clear pictures and commands for how we should live. When we choose to live differently than He commands, we will end up in a place or situation we may regret.
God shows us in Deuteronomy 17:14-20 how a king or leader should behave. Although that passage was written for kings, we see the very same commands and principals throughout the rest of the Bible. These truths are for all believers in Jesus Christ! In case you weren’t there or forgot – double check the list and read the scripture. Then ask yourself – “How am I doing in following these commands from God?” Room for improvement?
- One wife/husband
- Stay away from past sins and temptations (Don’t return to Egypt)
- Focus should not be on wealth, but God
- Your own copy of God’s Word, which you daily read
- Humble attitude
There is a way in which we should live and honor God. But if we sit on the throne of our lives and demand for our own good, our own pleasure, and selfishly seek our way, we will hurt those we love. Be careful of pride, be careful of power or things that could cause us to make ungodly decisions.
God bless you as you faithfully and prayerfully serve Him.
Pastor Rex
Great Leaders… Serve
Paul said, “Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose. Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.”
Two great leaders…both agree that if you want to be a great leader and find blessings in life, you must learn to serve. However, we looked at our Savior last Sunday and discovered four ways to work on serving others:
1. Put other ahead of your own agenda.
Leaders serve people, looking at their needs first. They have loving concerns for others greater than personal concerns. We are trained to finish first in front of the pack. But Jesus says, that’s not the way it works in my Kingdom. A leader never finishes the finish line alone.
Jim Whittaker (experienced mountain climber) said that of all his accomplishments, what gave him the most fulfillment; “I’ve taken more climbers to Mt. Everest than any other mountain peak.” He took others to a level they could not reach on their own.
Romans 12:9, “Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good.” Put others ahead of your own agenda. Don’t look for or need recognition or a pat on the back. You whole job is to add value to others.
2. Put yourself in a position of being stretched!
You have to get out of your comfort zone – grow, learn. Stretch to serve others. Many years ago I was on a mission trip to a Cherokee Indian Reservation in North Carolina. One of my areas of serving involved two days working in a nursing home. I’ll admit that I’m very uncomfortable in nursing homes. But my time with a 90 year old woman who was chewing tobacco ended up being okay. That was a stretch for me and yet also a blessing.
In John 13, Jesus washed the feet of others. He’s a teacher, a Savior, a miracle worker, not a foot washing servant. My dad would share stories of growing up on the farm with 7 siblings. The one story that I never got over was how his sister and him would have to stand in the fields early in the morning to watch the cattle. I’m not sure if the fencing was down or what, but they would stand out there for a long period of time and their feet would get cold. They were barefoot. So they stood in piles of fresh cow manure to warm up their feet. That’s gross! Praise God for shoes and socks. Remember, in Biblical times people walked the streets in sandals or barefoot. The same streets that cows, donkeys, horses, and sheep walked. It was like walking the 4H barns 24/7. Your feet are going to be nasty. Jesus washed those feet! He had the title, power…but he stretched himself to a position of serving.
Philippians 2:6-8 says, “Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being.”
3. Contrast truth and ask “who do I really want to represent?”
We wear jerseys, shirts, etc. showing our allegiance to a team. Your actions shows your allegiance to the God of this universe or his opponent Satan. You can serve or be served. With Jesus, God’s Son, you represent Him by Servanthood. With Satan you represent him by selfishness.
We read about Satan in Isaiah 14:12-14, “How you are fallen from heaven, O shining star, son of the morning! You have been thrown down to the earth, you who destroyed the nations of the world. For you said to yourself, ‘I will ascend to heaven and set my throne above God’s stars. I will preside on the mountain of the gods far away in the north. I will climb to the highest heavens and be like the Most High.” Satan sought the glory and it led to defeat and destruction.
We read about Jesus in Philippians 2:9-11, “Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” For Jesus, servanthood led to glory!
Your allegiance is demonstrated by action. Which leads to my final point…
4. Initiate service to others. “DO as I have done”
What is the best exercise program? P90X, Crossfit training, etc.? There are just as many great exercise programs as there are opinions. Truly the best exercise for strengthening the heart is reaching down and lifting up people.
It’s not about your position or title. Starter, captain, 1St Team, Valedictorian, CEO, Lead Pastor, State Director. Those are nice, and congratulations. But when you become position conscious, you lose sight of others.
John 13:15-17 “Jesus said, I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done to you. I tell you the truth, slaves are not greater than their master. Nor is the messenger more important than the one who sends the message. Now that you know these things, God will bless you for doing them.”
The challenge in being a leader is to learn to serve. We can do it! Go be the church – go serve.
God bless you as you faithfully and prayerfully serve Him.
Pastor Rex
Waves Of Change
Can you relate to that quote? I’ve been told to cherish time with my children because they grow up quick! I would agree, but not take it to heart. For 15 years as a youth pastor I would attend hundreds of open houses, shake graduates hands, and not really consider what was taking place. Now I get it. Now I’m the one listening to that song and getting choked up. Now I’m the one saying, “cherish time with your children…they grow up so quick.”
Change is just around the corner. Well, actually change is already here. My oldest is graduating. I think all this year I heard these words, “this is the last time I’ll…” And so it is. Do I hang my head and have a pity party? Do I long for those days of childhood and innocence? Can we lock him up in the basement and keep him around until we are emotionally ready for all this? No…no…and definitely not.
We are proud of our son. We are proud of all the graduates. They have worked hard, they have experienced a great deal, and they have been prepared for what is next in their life journey. Now it’s time to spread the wings and fly, right?!
We can’t be overwhelmed or filled with anxiety for our children’s future. We can’t walk around daily asking, “what if.” We must trust my Heavenly Father, that we have been faithful in raising our children to seek, trust, and obey God. We must trust God that our children will choose to journey with God during the next few critical years of their life.
Graduation isn’t the only thing that causes us to look “change” square in the eyes. It may be a job change, a death, a birth, a rule, a procedure, and even a new relationship. Change occurs around us daily. So I offer this encouragement to all of us facing change – make sure your foundation is strong!
In Matthew 7:24, Jesus taught this: “Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock. But anyone who hears my teaching and doesn’t obey it is foolish, like a person who builds a house on sand. When the rains and floods come and the winds beat against that house, it will collapse with a mighty crash.”
I see change in life, like storms. They come knowingly and unexpectedly. They bring refreshment for dry ground, but they also bring potential for damage. In this teaching, Jesus refers to listening and obeying His Words as essential for building a strong foundation. So that when the storms of life come upon us, we won’t collapse. Our challenge is to make sure we are building strong and firm foundations in Jesus Christ.
This is why programs like Children’s Church, GPS, Tupos, and TNKRTS is so important. This is why we are challenged to grow, so that we can impart what we learn onto our children.
It’s not too late to work on your spiritual foundation. It’s not too late to work on the spiritual foundation of our children. Start today…begin now. Open up God’s Word on a daily basis, seek His wisdom. Make it a habit to journey through God’s Word, praying, and walking with confidence as His Holy Spirit walks with us.
Psalm 111:10, “Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true wisdom. All who obey his commandments will grow in wisdom. Praise him forever!“
Proverbs 10:25, “When the storms of life come, the wicked are whirled away, but the godly have a lasting foundation.“
God bless you as you faithfully and prayerfully follow Him.
Pastor Rex
A Quick Word of Prayer!?
We say it all the time. It has become part of our lingo, and we don’t realize we are saying it. Most church meetings begin with these words: Let’s have a quick word of prayer. I believe these seven words grieve God’s heart, because He desires a lasting conversation-not lip service.
The underlying message is, “Before we get to the important stuff, let’s rush through the God stuff.” It becomes a rote habit that bypasses our heart. It helps us look spiritual, but lacks power. Connecting with God can’t be rushed. God must think, “There they go again! I wish they wouldn’t think of Me as a ritual or a rabbit’s foot that they can rub for good luck before they start their meeting.”
Prayer isn’t something to rush through to get to the work. Prayer is the work!
It happens everywhere. We have a quick word of prayer in the locker room, church, and home. It has permeated our entire Christian culture, especially the world of sports. I am still waiting for the pastor to get up on a Sunday morning and say, “We have so many needs, concerns, and opportunities that we need God to intercede. So let’s have a long word of prayer.”
Martin Luther was once asked what his plans for the following day were, and he answered: “Work, work, from early until late. In fact, I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.” The busier he got, the more he prayed. In today’s world, that is counter-intuitive. When we get busy, we reduce or eliminate our time with the Lord. Maybe that is why we are okay with a quick word of prayer. We have short prayers privately, so it becomes publicly acceptable. But prayer was never intended to be confined to a pre-game blessing or to start a meeting. It’s an all-day deal.
“We are to ‘keep the receiver off the hook’ and be in touch with God so that our praying is part of a long conversation that is not broken.” – Warren Wiersbe
Prayer needs to be the driving force in our lives. It’s our greatest weapon. We need to move from mini prayers to mighty prayers, short prayers to long prayers, occasional prayers to often prayers and shallow prayers to deep prayers.
Prayer makes us.
Prayer molds us.
Prayer matures us.
Continuous, Non-Stop Prayer. In 2 Thessalonians 5:17, Paul encourages us to pray without ceasing. He tells us to keep the lines of communication with the Father open at all times in every circumstance. Paul’s encouragement is for us to have a life of prayer. Jesus frequently got away to pray; He told us to stay connected to the vine where we get every nutrient for life.
Our lives should be one continuous prayer. Remember, we shouldn’t just pray for the work. Prayer is the work. Great prayer matures a leader, and a great leader matures in prayer. Be quick to pray…not pray quickly. Let’s have a long word of prayer!
(Author Dan Britton)
God bless you as you faithfully and prayerfully follow Him.
Pastor Rex
Blessed Is The Woman Who Trusts In The Lord
“A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie.” Tenneva Jordan
I want to take a moment and applaud the women of my life…
First, there is mom. The very first woman I knew. She raised me, cared for me, guided me, helped me in numerous ways.
Jenny, my wife. The woman I fell in love with, my friend, my partner, the one who loves me in spite of all my mistakes and flaws.
My sister, whom I didn’t know completely growing up thanks to our age difference. But today she is my big sister who loves Jesus and cares deeply about me.
My many teachers who were women. I could tell some funny stories about these crazy ladies…but the bottom line is they were awesome in teaching me skills needed for today.
My Sunday School teachers and Children’s church volunteers. Wow, it wasn’t just knowing the Bible – it was the fact that they served!
Those I know today that serve in the church, in ministry, and sacrificially give back.
Thank you ladies. You are a blessing.
God created each of you with purpose and value. Trust God. Trust what He has given to you. Find your hope, security, and strength in God alone.
A godly woman isn’t perfect, rather she’s learning to open up and trust in her Savior. The measuring stick of godliness isn’t based on a comparison to others, but on your personal commitment to Jesus Christ. I encourage you to grow spiritually, and as you do you will:
Demonstrate an intimate familiarity with God’s Word – “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4)
You reveal godliness in you when your thoughts, words, and advice are based on the Bible and not your opinion. You’re not throwing out scriptures to show how knowledgeable and spiritual you are, but rather your key instinct is balancing faith and actions on the word of God.
Resonate a calm and quietness of spirit – “Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.” (1 Peter 3:4)
You don’t frantically wring your hands in the valleys of the unexpected. Instead, you have the inner peace of the Holy Spirit to comfort, guide, and teach you when everything seems out of control. You learn to lay your concerns at the foot of the cross and leave them there.
Be grounded in courage and strength – “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)
As our culture tumbles down the slippery slope of worldliness and immorality, you are confident in your Sovereign God to make all things work together for good. You will refuse to let fear invade your thoughts or feelings by constantly reminding yourself of God’s promise to never leave you.
Be relentless in prayer and intercession – “Pray continually.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17)
We need to fervently grab hold of Jesus just like the Canaanite woman in Matthew 15:21-28 and refuse to let circumstances dictate the final outcome over faith. Never give up praying for the hardest hearts, the deepest needs, or the highest mountain tops.
Be generous in resources – “You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion…” (2 Corinthians 9:11)
As a godly person, you will give time, energy, gifts, and finances in days of feasting or famine. You learn to resist the fear of holding back because of your strong confidence in God to meet your needs according to His riches in glory and to grant all your desires according to His will.
I found these five challenges on a website for godly women. BUT, these five spiritual growth marks can be applied to us men as well…
Thank you, and God bless you as you faithfully follow Him.
Pastor Rex
I Want To Be Where God Is!
In John 11 when Jesus says it’s time to go visit Lazarus in a town where they were just given death threats, we read…”Thomas, nicknamed the Twin, said to his fellow disciples, “Let’s go, too-and die with Jesus.”
How about this one? In Luke 9:57 we read, “As they were walking along, someone said to Jesus, “I will follow you wherever you go.”
Really? Do we really want to go where Jesus is going? Do we really want to be where God is at work? YES!!
We discover in the Old Testament that when you want to be where God is, get ready for a rollercoaster ride! Buckle up for an up and down journey, the thrills and spills of following God.
Exodus 15 a song of celebration; then complaining about water; then it’s all good
Exodus 16 manna and quail, yay God! But then there is disobedience
Exodus 17 no water, but then a water miracle
Exodus 17 battle with mankind; victory together
You can read a summary of some of these events in Psalm 106. The story of Moses and the many challenges and celebrations on his journey is astounding! But the incredible thing to see is that they were not alone on this journey. They didn’t have to have all the answers to move forward. They didn’t have to see the light at the end of the tunnel to keep moving. They didn’t have to question, “I wonder if.” All they had to do was just trust and obey. Right?
Our leadership took time to reflect back on 2014 and ask, “How did we see God show up in 2014 at True North?” In a short time, we came up with over a dozen specific moments! That was just in a short time, with a small number of people.
Truth is, we have had our ups and downs – but GOD is with us! I have seen His hand at work in our church and in our people! GOD is alive in us and with us!
“I will go where you go”…begins with having an attitude and a spirit of wanting to be where God is! God is a faithful God who will not abandon or leave us. This may be a rollercoaster ride in our life, but we don’t ride alone. Praise God!
As we move forward as a church, I strongly encourage you to do following:
1. Focus on the truth that God is with us! Write down 1-2 things in which you know that God was directly involved in last year. Take time to remember what is true about God – He with us.
2. Take your eyes off the negative, don’t allow it to scare you. See your obstacles as opportunities to see God at work! Pray for peace and strength, when you see a tough time coming.
I believe God is at work at True North! Want proof? Call me and I’ll give you a dozen reasons!
God bless you as you faithfully follow Him.
Pastor Rex
P.S. By the way, if God is at work in our church…you better believe that the opposition will try to derail us! Pray for daily for our church! Pray for one another!
My Help Comes From…
Where does your help come from?
When you are confused or in the midst of chaos, who do you go to for answers? Who is your source of comfort?
Where does your help come from?
I recently read something that seemed so good, and yet a little humorous concerning help. In 1865 William Tecumseh Sherman sent a letter to U.S. Grant: “I knew wherever I was that you thought of me, and if I got in a tight place you would come…if alive.” Think about it. An expression of trust and friendship, and yet he is saying, “My help comes from you U.S. Grant, unless you are dead!” There’s the humor…
Our help doesn’t come from our own willpower to be courageous, strong, or independent. Our help doesn’t come from our spouse, family, or best buddies. We can find support and help at times from those people. But ultimately, they may let us down.
Our help comes from…God.
Jesus knew his disciples would face difficulty after his death. Saturday must have been a miserable day of darkness, loneliness, and confusion. Where would their help come from now?
When confusion sets in, you need to know that God has a plan, and you are still a part of it. We need to remember that our help comes from God – not ourselves or our friends.
I stood by my father’s bedside, just hours before he passed away. Collin sent me a text that simply said…
My help comes from You. You’re right here, pulling me through. You carry my weakness, my sickness, my brokenness all on Your shoulders
What did that text mean? It came from a song by King and Country called Shoulders…it goes like this:
When confusion’s my companion – And despair holds me for ransom
I will feel no fear – I know that You are near
When I’m caught deep in the valley – With chaos for my company
I’ll find my comfort here – ‘Cause I know that You are near
My help comes from You – You’re right here, pulling me through
You carry my weakness, my sickness, my brokenness all on Your shoulders, Your shoulders
My help comes from You – You are my rest, my rescue
I don’t have to see to believe that You’re lifting me up on Your shoulders, Your shoulders.
To watch a video of this song – click here.
In that moment, that part of our journey, when confusion and pain hits, I needed to remember God’s promises. I need to remember that God keeps his promises. He will help me.
I’m so grateful and thankful to God for the incredible celebration of Easter! One of those things for which I celebrate at Easter is the reminder that my help comes from God.
God bless you as you faithfully follow Him.
Pastor Rex